It has been well over 2 weeks since I posted over here. Something about remodeling a house keeps me from – many of these posts will be in retrospect after we get moved which- wait for it- is happening THIS Saturday! I can hardly believe it. We totally could not have done it without massive amounts of help from friends.
We are over the moon excited- here are a few pictures to keep you somewhat updated.
Here is my sweet blogging friend Sharon. We met at a blog conference last year and just recently reconnected. She came by a few weeks ago to see the house. Sharon just published her first book, Creating Success at Home, and I’m so excited for her! You’ll be hearing more about her soon.
This picture is a little strange but it shows that I conquered an IKEA project. A friend from church also helped me put together several of these. You can also see the colors of the girls’ room- lavendar and pink, and the carpet Ben and another friend from church installed.
Ben and one of our Wednesday workers, Daniel, laying floor in our master bedroom. What’s a Wednesday worker you might ask? It’s two people from our church that have showed up every single Wednesday since the beginning of October to help out on the house. And they are awesome. And I just named them that awesome name. #legit
Our bedroom- I spy packing boxes, IKEA goodies, and trim! It’s getting there!
There you have it. Quite possibly the most random photo dump ever. I’ll be back soon-ish with more, including a few “how to” posts! (Think how to install IKEA closet organizers. I may or may not have spent 3 hours working on our closet to find out that the main components are installed UPSIDE DOWN. But because I’m channeling my inner Joanna, I did not get mad at the person who installed them upside down. Ahem. My own Chip. 😉 )
See you soon!
Hey, that’s me! 😉 The house has come a long way since that visit. Y’all have done an excellent job making this house your dream home.
p.s. Thank you for mentioning the book!